Social Studies Primary One Second Term Lesson Note
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Week: One
Class: Primary One
Topic: Values that shows good morals
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Explain value which shows good moral e.g what is right.
Instructional material/Reference material: Textbooks and internet research
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with what is called the value.
Value: Is that which is highly esteemed, such as one’s morals, morality, or belief system, rightful behaviour and goodly character of someone in the environment or society which he or she is living. It is the moral attitude of someone.
Examples of value that shows good moral: Greetings, kindness, loyalty, commitment, patriotism, honesty, tolerance, etc.

Evaluation: The teacher asked questions on what has been taught.
1. Explain value which shows good moral?
Week: Two
Class: Primary One
Topic: Values that shows what is wrong.
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Explain value which show bad moral e.g what is wrong.
Instructional material/Reference material: Textbooks and internet research
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils have learnt in the last lesson about value that show good moral.
When morals are wrong and bad in the society it result to negative influence of such people which may tarnish the image of such fellow.
Examples of morals that are bad are: stealing, bullying, fighting, cursing, lying etc.

Evaluation: The teacher asked questions on what has been taught.
1. Explain value which are considered wrong in the environment.
Week: Three
Class: Primary One
Topic: Rewards and punishment for good and bad morals.
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Explain the meaning of rewards and punishment.
2. Explain the reward of good attitude.
3. Explain the punishment for bad attitude.
Instructional material/Reference material: Textbooks and internet research
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils have learnt about value that show what is wrong in the society and it examples.
Reward: The result of an action, whether good or bad. It is also something of value given in return for an act.
Punishment: A penalty to punish wrongdoing, especially for crime.
Reward for good moral: winning of prize, giving of gift, appointment of post, getting of good job opportunity
Punishment for bad attitude: Beating, jailing, sentence of death or life sentence.
Evaluation: The teacher asked questions on what has been taught.
1. Explain the meaning of reward and punishment?
2. Mention rewards for good work?
3. Mention punishment for bad work?
Week: Four
Class: Primary One
Topic: Substance taking into the body.
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. The meaning of substance
2. Mention types of substance
Instructional material/Reference material: Textbooks and internet research
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: pupils have learnt about the reward and punishment for good and bad morals.
Substances are things we take into our body and be healthy for us to live. They can be solid or liquid. Without these things, we may die.

(1) Hard substance or drug
(2) Soft substance or drug.
Examples of hard drug: heroin, cocaine, tobacco, marijuana, etc.
Examples of soft drug: water, balance diet, paracetamol, flaggy, panadol, chloroquine, etc.
Evaluation: The teacher asked questions on what has been taught.
1. Explain the meaning of substance?
2. Mention types of drug?
3. Give examples of such substance?