Primary 3 ICT
First term lesson note
Topic: Revision
Subtitle: general knowledge of computer
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. state uses of computer at school and home.
2. mention computer devices found at home and in school
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture chart
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils have a background knowledge of computer from their previous class.
What is a computer device?
A computer device is a device which can be used in the communication of information.
Types of computer devices include: tablet, phones, laptop, printer, etc.
Uses of computer
1. To send information
2. To receive information
3. To store data and documents
4. To view document
5. Use to run analysis
Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
1. What is a computer device?
2. What device do we use to receive information?
WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
1. write five computer devices
Topic: History of Computer
Subtitle: History of Computer I
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. identify early counting devices
2.state four early counting device
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: Picture chart
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
History of computer
Many years ago, people used their fingers and toes in counting. They also used stones, pebbles and cowries. Sometimes, seeds of plants like the palm kernel were also used in counting. When many things had to be counted, people could no longer use their fingers andtoes, or stones, pebbles, cowries, sticks and seeds in counting, and then the computer was invented, and was made as a counting machine.
Strategies& Activities:
Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
1. What did the early people use to count?
WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
Assignment:1. List four early counting device
Topic: History of computer II
Subtitle: Mechanical counting devices
Learning Objectives:At the end of this this lesson,pupils should be able to:
1. state the uses of Abacus.
2. mention inventors of mechanical counting devices
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
The first computer was called the Abacus counting machine.
Early mechanical counting devices and their inventors
1. Abacus
The first computer was made several years ago by a man called Abacus. It was used for simple additions and subtractions. It is known as the Abacus counting machine.

1. Blaise Pascal
A Frenchman called Blaise Pascal made the first adding machine in 1642. It was a very big machine. Blaise Pascal’s father used this machine in recording taxes collected and spent by the government.
2. Sir Samuel Morland
Sir Samuel Morland, an Englishman, invented three calculating machines between 1663 and
1666. The first one was used for addition and subtraction of money. The other two were used for more difficult arithmetic.
3. Charles Babbage
Charles Babbage, another Englishman, made the first machine that calculates and stores information. His computer was better than an ordinary calculator. It was a very big machine.
Charles Babbage is therefore known as the father of the computer.
Strategies& Activities:
Step1:Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2:Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3:Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
1. The first adding machine was invented in what year?
2. Abacus is use for……………. And …………….
WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
1. Name five counting devices people used before the invention of computer.
2. Write to inventors, their invention and the use of their invention.
Topic: History of computer III
Subtitle: Developed technology
Learning Objectives:At the end of this this lesson,pupils should be able to:
1. explain the transmission of early devices to present day computer
2. state the sequences in computer graduation
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: charts
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
The history ofcomputing covers the developments from early counting tools such as stone, pebbles and sticks, to devices to aid calculation such as abacus, to modern day computers. Before 20th century, most calculations were done by humans. Early mechanical tools to help humans with digital calculation followed like the abacus were called calculating machines now known as calculator.
Computers were first made basically to calculate, but now we use computer to search for information, input information and retrieve information.
Sequences of computer graduation
Sequence of computer can also be called generations of computers. Generations of computers are the stagesthe computer has passed through beforebecoming what we now have as computers.There are five stages of development orgenerations of computer. Each stage of
development is a generation of thecomputer.
First generation computers
When computers were first made, they werelarge and costly. They gave out heat when
used. They were also slow in makingcalculations and could only store very fewitems of information. They also needed muchelectricity before they could be used.
Second generation computers
Soon, the large, costly and slow computerswere no longer used by many people. Newcomputers which were cheaper and smallerthan the first ones had been made. Thesewere thesecond-generation computers.These new computers stored many moreitems of information than the earlier computers.They also used less electricity and were faster than the first generation.
Third generation computers
In the third-generation computers, the electricpathways were all joined together as one and moved very fast, insidethe computers. This was called an integratedcircuit. The third-generation computers werecheaper, smaller and faster than the second- generation computers. They also used lesselectricity and gave out less heat when used.
Fourth- generation computers
The type of computers we use today are thefourth-generation computers. The electric
pathways are even more completely joinedtogether inside the computers.The large-scale integrated circuits havemade the fourth- generation computers betterthan all the earlier ones. They are smaller,cheaper and store more items of informationthan the third- generation computers, used less electricity, faster and well known all over the world.
Fifth generation computers
The makers of computers are still working hardto make even better computers. These are the
fifth generation computers.They are the next generation of computers.Scientists think that these computers will actlike human beings.
Strategies& Activities:
Step1:Teacher revises the previous topic.
Step2:Teacher introduces the new topic.
Step3:Teacher explains the new topic.
Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.
Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.
Assessment & Evaluation:
1. Which generation of computer is being used in school?
2. How many generations of computers do we have?
WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.
1. Which generation of computer were electricity pathway join together?
2. Which generation of computer gave out heat when used, used much electricity and were slower ?
Topic: Input Devices I
Subtitle: Input Devices
Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. state the meaning of input device
2. identify the input devices
Resources and materials:
Scheme of work
Online information
Instructional material: picture chart, and keyboard
Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.
Input device
The computer system is made up of the hardwareand the software components.
The hardware components are the things wecan see and touch in a computer system. There
are three basic parts of the hardware components.
These are:
1. the input devices;
2. the output devices; and
3. the system unit.
Input devices
These are used for sending data and informationinto the computer system. They are also used
for telling the computers what we want it to do or used for giving instructions to the
computer on what to do.
Below are pictures of input device: