Basic Tech Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Note
Week: 1st week
Class: basic one
Topic: uses of simple machine (blender).
Behavioural objectives: pupil should be able to:
1. Identify a blender.
2. State the uses of a blender
Instructional material/Reference material: pictures
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils are familiar with simple machine.
Content: Blender is a simple machine used in the house as a domestic tools.

Uses of a blender :
1. Blender can be used to blend vegetables like tomatoes, pepper.
2. It is use to blend out juice from fruits.
3. It is used to blend food like beans.
4. It is used to blend different fruit together
Evaluation: Teacher the Pupils to:
1. Uses of blender.
Basic Tech Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Note
Week: 2nd week
Class: Basic one
Topic: uses of a wheel barrow
Behavioural objectives: pupil should be able to: At the end of the lesson, pupil should be able to:
1. Identify a wheel barrow
2. State the uses of wheel barrow on the farm
Instructional material/Reference material: chart showing picture of wheel barrow.
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge : The pupils are learnt the uses of a blender.
Content: wheel barrow are domestic equipment used in the farm or garden. It is has one tyre and two handles.
Uses of a wheel barrow.
1. It is used to carry loads in the farm .
2. It’s used to offload waste materials
3. It’s used carry other domestic equipment like shovel e.t.c.
4. It is used to carry farm or garden harvestUses of a blender :1. Blender can be used to blend vegetables like tomatoes, pepper.

Evaluation: the teacher asked pupil to state the uses of wheel barrow.
Week: 3rd week
Class: Basic one
Topic: uses of head pan
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
1. Identify a head pan.
2. State the uses of head pan.
Instructional material/Reference material: picture of a head pan
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils have taught the uses of wheel barrow
Content: head pan is a domestic equipment use in the garden to carry loads.
They are put on the head.
Uses of head pan:
1. Head pan are you used to carry loads from the farm to the house.
2. It is use to carry garden harvest.
3. It is use to offload waste materials
4. It is used to carry others tools to the farm.
Evaluation: Teacher ask pupil to state the use of head pan.
Week: 4th week
Class: Basic one
Topic: uses of basket.
Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to:
1. Identify a basket.
2. State the uses of a basket.
3. Draw and colour a basket.
Instructional material/Reference material: chart showing a basket, real object of a basket.
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: student have been taught the uses of head pan.
Content: A basket is an equipment used in the garden. Baskets is make from a palm tree.
Basic Tech Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Note