CRS Primary 3 First Term Lesson Note

CRS Primary 3



Topic: The prophecies of Isaiah concerning the birth of Jesus Christ

Subtitle: Isaiah’s prophecy of the birth of Jesus Christ

Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

1.   explain the meaning of prophecy

2.   recall the prophecies of Isaiah concerning the birth of Jesus Christ

3.   state the meaning of Immanuel

Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material: picture chart

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils have a background knowledge of computer from their previous class.


Isaiah in is prophecy foretold about the birth of Jesus Christ in Isaiah 7:14 that the Lord shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call his name Immanuel. He went on to say in the book of Isaiah 9:6-7 that; for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting father, the Prince of Peace.

Immanuel in Matthew 1:23 means God with us.

Strategies& Activities:

Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.

Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.

Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.


Assessment & Evaluation

1. what does the name Immanuel means?

2. quote Isaiah 7:14

WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.


1.   who was to conceive and bear a son ?

2.   quote 9:6-7

3.   write three names Isaiah foretold that Jesus Christ shall be call.




Topic: The type of savior the Jews were expecting

Subtitle: Jesus the savior

Learning Objectives: At the end of this this lesson, pupils should be able to:

1.   Explain the meaning of savior.

2.   Explain the type of savior the Jews were expecting.

3.   explain the type of savior Jesus is.

4.   state the significance of a savior.

Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material: Picture chart

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous classes.


A savior is a person who saves or rescues another person from harm or condemnation. Jesus is the savior of the world, and he came down from heaven, suffers persecution in the hands of men, was nail to the cross and died for our sake that we might be saved from our sins and come to love God.

The Jews expected a conquering Messiah, a physical king to rule in Israel, Act 1:6. He expected Jesus to rule in flesh like David, Solomon and take over power from the Romans. Jesus in the gospel of John 18: 36 told the people  when bought before Pilate that; “My kingdom does not belong to this world”

Strategies& Activities:

Step1: Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step2: Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step3: Teacher explains the new topic.

Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.

Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.

Assessment & Evaluation:

1.   Who is Savior?

2.   What type of savior were the Jews expecting ?

WRAP UP (CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.


1.   Explain the type of saviour Jesus is.

2.   What is the important of a saviour ?

3.   Jesus died on the cross that we might be ……………………..



Topic: The importance of a savior

Subtitle: Jesus Savior

Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. State the importance of a savior

2. Identify Jesus as a good savior


Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material: charts

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous class.



Jesus the Savior

While Jesus was on earth he went around doing healing the sick, feeding the hungry, preaching the good news and correcting error. He never discriminated against anyone rather he invited everyone to come that they might be saved.

Jesus purpose of coming into this world include the following;

1.   To save his people from sins.

2.   To protect us from life of sins.

3.   Jesus cares for us.

4.   To defend us from oppressors and make us victorious.

Strategies& Activities:

Step1:Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step2:Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step3:Teacher explains the new topic.

Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.

Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.

Assessment & Evaluation:

1.   Name two importance of a saviour.

2.   Jesus went around doing …………. and …………….

WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.


1.   Write three reasons why you think Jesus is a good saviour.





Topic: The Holy Spirit

Subtitle: Holy Spirit

Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. explain the person of the Holy Spirit.

2. identify what Holy spirit means.

Resources and materials:

Scheme of work

Online information

Instructional material: charts and pictures of hoes Cutlass and vehicles

Building Background/connection to prior knowledge: pupils are familiar with the topic in their previous class.


The Holy Spirit

The gospel of John 14:26, state that the Holy Spirit is the helper, whom the father will send in his name and that will teach you everything and make you remember all that Jesus taught. The Holy Spirit is the one who reveals the truth about God and who comes from the father.

Jesus promise his disciple before his ascension that God will send his Holy Spirit to burn away their old self and make them new in Christ and bold not timid to go about doing good and preaching the Gospel of Christ, that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we repent and be saved. 

The book of Acts 1:8 state that the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and you will be filled with power, and be witnesses for Jesus in Jerusalem, in all Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

Strategies& Activities:

Step1:Teacher revises the previous topic.

Step2:Teacher introduces the new topic.

Step3:Teacher explains the new topic.

Step4: Teacher welcomes pupils’ questions.

Step5: Teacher evaluates the pupils.


Assessment & Evaluation:

1. What is the meaning of Holy Spirit?

2. what does the book of Acts 1:1-8 say about the Holy Spirit?

WRAP UP(CONCLUSION) Teacher goes over the topic once again for better understanding.


1. who is send the Holy Spirit upon us?

2. write three things the Holy Spirit will do when it come upon a person.

3. what did Jesus promise his disciple before his ascension?



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