2021 Waec Oral English Questions And Answers
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
- dark
A. stern
B. firm
C. sharp
D. ward - tough
A. cough
B. born
C. boat
D. done - chief
A. dead
B. feast
C. fine
D. chin - king
A. kit
B. rind
C. key
D. bean - debt
A. said
B. doubt
C. gain
D. eke - soar
A. pot
B. foal
C. catch
D. caught - dye
A. deal
B. dent
C. tide
D. day - date
A. west
B. height
C. says
D. heinous - berth
A. hurt
B. hunt
C. breath
D. berry - sure
A. sower
B. fewer
C. grew
D. floor - clothes
A. clue
B. bother
C. claw
D. both - rear
A. realm
B. mere
C. read
D. mare - shoe
A. prune
B. great
C. bush
D. shone
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented in the letter(s) underlined.
- frame
A. praise
B. flame
C. pram
D. phrase - love
A. few
B. view
C. plough
D. cough - through
A. breathe
B. both
C. drew
D. tram - scene
A. theme
B. keen
C. psyche
D. prize - change
A. nature
B. nation
C. champagne
D. chameleon - pleasure
A. pressure
B. pleasing
C. natural
D. occasion - gender
A. guilty
B. good
C. glitter
D. joyful - ton
A. knock
B. hymn
C. pink
D. sing - weather
A. length
B. brother
C. think
D. breath - Facts
A. Face
B. Lots
C. Fast
D. Loathes - sheep
A. sign
B. same
C. wash
D. win - young
A. jump
B. jog
C. yen
D. junior - laughed
A. read
B. bed
C. sachet
D. right - tusk
A. box
B. boats
C. task
D. talks - fill
A. alms
B. calf
C. blank
D. could
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word.
- niece
A. keen
B. knees
C. peels
D. piece - blue
A. flow
B. blur
C. grew
D. show - court
A. cart
B. plot
C. flew
D. fort - style
A. bile
B. bell
C. stale
D. fine
Main/primary stress is indicated by capital letters.
From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.
- accuracy
A. AC-cu-ra-cy
B. ac-CU-ra-cy
C. ac-cu-RA-cy
D. ac-cu-ra-CY - consequential
A. CON-se-quen-tial
B. con-SE-quen-tial
C. con-se-QUEN-tial
D. con-se-quen-TIAL - insensitive
A. IN-sen-si-tive
B. in-SEN-si-tive
C. in-sen-SI-tive
D. in-sen-si-TIVE - brutality
A. BRU-tal-i-ty
B. bru-TAL-i-ty
C. bru-tal-I-ty
D. bru-tal-i-TY - declaration
A. DEC-la-ra-tion
B. dec-LA-ra-tion
C. dec-la-RA-tion
D. dec-la-ra-TION
In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern.
A. reduce
B. prolong
C. remove
D. purpose
A. neglect
B. direct
C. direct
D. credit
A. deter
B. sailor
C. tailor
D. yoga
A. innate
B. insane
C. injure
D. remind
A. challenger
B. solicit
C. umbrella
D. apprentice
In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.
- Many students ATTEND lectures every day.
A. Do many students skip lectures every day?
B. Do many students attend lectures every week?
C. Do many drivers attend lectures every day?
D. Do many students attend concerts every day? - John’s PARENTS have received the letters.
A. Have John’s parents sent the letters?
B. Have John’s friends received the letters?
C. Have John’s parents received the scripts?
D. Have William’s parents received the letters? - The THIRD-YEAR girls were commended by the principal.
A. Were the third-year girls reprimanded by the principal?
B. Were the third-year girls commended by the doctor?
C. Were the third-year boys commended by the principal?
D. Were the first-year girls commended by the principal? - Stephen SELDOM goes to the house.
A. Does James seldom go to the house?
B. Does Stephen seldom go to the school?
C. Does Stephen often go to the house?
D. Does Stephen seldom leave the house? - All the EMPLOYERS rejected him.
A. Did all the employees reject her?
B. Did some of the employees reject him?
C. Did all the employees accept him?
D. Did all the employers reject him?
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.
- /°u/
A. vogue
B. drool
C. plough
D. drawn - /u°/
A. pour
B. count
C. tour
D. dear - /t/
A. whistle
B. soften
C. listen
D. pity - /æ/
A. early
B. dragon
C. bread
D. card - /b/
A. womb
B. doubt
C. public
D. thumb - /·/
A. pence
B. abuse
C. cat
D. refer - /l/
A. calm
B. lamb
C. could
D. salmon - /k/
A. cane
B. chain
C. knight
D. knife - /θ/
A. northern
B. bath
C. healthy
D. teeth - /n/
A. tongue
B. gone
C. fan
D. wind
1. C – sharp /ɑ:/
- Same vowel sound as “dark.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: car, bar, grass, fart, heart, last, pass, etc.
2. A – cough /ɒ/
- Same vowel sound as “tough.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: but, lust, slut, rough, cut, love, dove, etc.
3. B – feast /i:/
- Same vowel sound as “chief.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: lead, thief, week, steel, steal, etc.
4. B – could /ʊ/
- Same vowel sound as “put.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: book, should, cook, would, etc.
5. A – kit /ɪ/
- Same vowel sound as “king.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: rip, lip, six, fish, village, exam, etc.
6. D – gas /æ/
- Same vowel sound as “tan.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: can, angry, animal, calendar, etc.
7. A – said /e/
- Same vowel sound as “debt.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: bread, well, beg, let, sweat, bury, leopard, etc.
8. D – caught /ɔ:/
- Same vowel sound as “soar.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: fall, shore, war, water, fought, daughter, etc.
9. C – tide /aɪ/
- Same vowel sound as “dye.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: wine, try, buy, twilight, lie, isle, guy, stifle, etc.
10. D – heinous /eɪ/
- Same vowel sound as “date.”
- Other words with the same vowel sound: way, paper, baby, aviation, capable, place, faith, etc.
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