2022 Waec Oral English Language
access 2023 english language one objective questions and answers here
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
1. lynch
A. flee
B. dye
C. you
D. lick
2. said
A. paid
B. paid
C. many
D. ham
3. dance
A. dunce
B. aunt
C. friend
D. mace
4. core
A. pole
B. cot
C. loud
D. saw
5. nook
A. noon
B. poor
C. good
D. food
6. doubt
A. nought
B. round
C. rough
D. drove
7. hut
A. knob
B. rot
C. bought
D. tonne
8. alert
A. pearl
B. percent
C. heart
D. check
9. believe
A. lie
B. quay
C. lettuce
D. kick
10. beauty
A. good
B. courier
C. put
D. few
11. white
A. pair
B. hit
C. bye
D. writ
12. here
A. chair
B. weird
C. care
D. pair
13. soul
A. how
B. plough
C. boat
D. buoy
14. boot
A. louse
B. bull
C. cook
D. ruse
15. fall
A. power
B. dole
C. dawn
D. pull
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
16. order
A. another
B. made
C. wedge
D. flunked
17. joy
A. ahoy
B. huge
C. you
D. bagged
18. chunk
A. choir
B. chemise
C. matches
D. show
19. pressure
A. sour
B. beige
C. wash
D. measure
20. easy
A. loss
B. phase
C. curse
D. last
21. method
A. brother
B. bathe
C. though
D. breathe
22. reverse
A. aisle
B. debris
C. cast
D. boys
23. gang
A. gene
B. gist
C. tag
D. merge
24. supper
A. psychic
B. elephant
C. trip
D. psalm
25. beige
A. gag
B. genre
C. gem
D. lough
26. long
A. plunge
B. chunk
C. binge
D. dawn
27. bask
A. slacks
B. basque
C. lacks
D. axed
28. then
A. month
B. three
C. thunder
D. thus
29. split
A. sprint
B. spilt
C. splendour
D. spill
30. black
A. knead
B. know
C. scene
D. echo
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word.
31. hatch
A. stash
B. match
C. chain
D. chat
32. roam
A. come
B. done
C. home
D. from
33. callow
A. colour
B. brow
C. allow
D. shallow
34. fasted
A. instead
B. lasted
C. harvest
D. practised
35. Lose
A. Shoes
B. Loose
C. Dose
D. Mouse
In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.
36. The main stress in the word “COMPUTER” falls on the second syllable.
A. COMputer
B. comPUTer
C. comPUter
D. comPuter
37. The main stress in the word “ACTIVITY” falls on the third syllable.
A. acTIVity
B. acTIvity
C. acTIVity
D. activITy
38. The main stress in the word “BEAUTIFUL” falls on the first syllable.
A. BEAUtiful
B. beauTIful
C. beauTIful
D. BEAutiful
39. The main stress in the word “IMPORTANT” falls on the second syllable.
A. imPORtant
B. imPORtant
C. IMportant
D. imPORtant
40. The main stress in the word “RELATIVE” falls on the first syllable.
A. RELative
B. reLAtive
C. reLative
D. relAtive
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.
41. /a:/
A. pat
B. angry
C. lark
D. prank
42. /A/
A. sport
B. coat
C. could
D. flood
43. /au/
A. fraught
B. plough
C. fracas
D. bat
44. /w/
A. wrought
B. wire
C. awe
D. know
45. /t/
A. shock
B. botched
C. machine
D. machine
46. /k/
A. champagne
B. knife
C. knit
D. chorus
47. /ʊ/
A. pair
B. lure
C. lower
D. peer
48. /θ/
A. thought
B. den
C. their
D. thank
49. /z/
A. insist
B. persist
C. consist
D. resist
50. /ʤ/
A. key
B. brief
C. guilt
D. seize
1. lynch
A. flee – Vowel sound is /iː/ (as in “see”). This is not the same as the vowel sound in lynch (/ɪ/).
B. dye – Vowel sound is /aɪ/ (as in “my”). This is different from lynch’s /ɪ/.
C. you – Vowel sound is /juː/ (as in “you”). This is different from lynch’s /ɪ/.
D. lick – Vowel sound is /ɪ/ (as in “sit”). This matches the vowel sound in lynch.
Correct answer: D. lick
2. said
A. paid – Vowel sound is /eɪ/ (as in “pay”). This is not the same as said’s /ɛ/ (as in “bed”).
B. paid – Same explanation as A. Different vowel sound.
C. many – Vowel sound is /æ/ (as in “man”). This is different from said’s /ɛ/.
D. ham – Vowel sound is /æ/ (as in “man”). Different from said’s /ɛ/.
Correct answer: D. ham (Both said and ham share the /æ/ sound.)
3. dance
A. dunce – Vowel sound is /ʌ/ (as in “cup”). Different from dance’s /æ/.
B. aunt – Vowel sound is /æ/ (as in “cat”). This matches the vowel sound in dance.
C. friend – Vowel sound is /ɪ/ (as in “sit”). Different from dance’s /æ/.
D. mace – Vowel sound is /eɪ/ (as in “face”). Different from dance’s /æ/.
Correct answer: B. aunt
4. core
A. pole – Vowel sound is /əʊ/ (as in “go”). This is different from core’s /ɔː/.
B. cot – Vowel sound is /ɒ/ (as in “dog”). Different from core’s /ɔː/.
C. loud – Vowel sound is /aʊ/ (as in “out”). Different from core’s /ɔː/.
D. saw – Vowel sound is /ɔː/ (as in “law”). This matches the vowel sound in core.
Correct answer: D. saw
5. nook
A. noon – Vowel sound is /uː/ (as in “moon”). Different from nook’s /ʊ/.
B. poor – Vowel sound is /ʊə/ (as in “tour”). Different from nook’s /ʊ/.
C. good – Vowel sound is /ʊ/ (as in “book”). This matches the vowel sound in nook.
D. food – Vowel sound is /uː/ (as in “mood”). Different from nook’s /ʊ/.
Correct answer: C. good
6. doubt
A. nought – Vowel sound is /ɔː/ (as in “law”). Different from doubt’s /aʊ/.
B. round – Vowel sound is /aʊ/ (as in “out”). This matches the vowel sound in doubt.
C. rough – Vowel sound is /ʌ/ (as in “cup”). Different from doubt’s /aʊ/.
D. drove – Vowel sound is /əʊ/ (as in “go”). Different from doubt’s /aʊ/.
Correct answer: B. round
7. hut
A. knob – Vowel sound is /ɒ/ (as in “dog”). Different from hut’s /ʌ/.
B. rot – Vowel sound is /ɒ/ (as in “dog”). Different from hut’s /ʌ/.
C. bought – Vowel sound is /ɔː/ (as in “law”). Different from hut’s /ʌ/.
D. tonne – Vowel sound is /ʌ/ (as in “cup”). This matches the vowel sound in hut.
Correct answer: D. tonne
8. alert
A. pearl – Vowel sound is /ɜː/ (as in “bird”). Different from alert’s /ɛ/.
B. percent – Vowel sound is /ɛ/ (as in “bed”). This matches the vowel sound in alert.
C. heart – Vowel sound is /ɑː/ (as in “car”). Different from alert’s /ɛ/.
D. check – Vowel sound is /ɛ/ (as in “bed”). This matches the vowel sound in alert.
Correct answer: B. percent (Both alert and percent have the /ɛ/ sound.)
9. believe
A. lie – Vowel sound is /aɪ/ (as in “my”). Different from believe’s /ɪ/ (as in “sit”).
B. quay – Vowel sound is /iː/ (as in “sea”). Different from believe’s /ɪ/.
C. lettuce – Vowel sound is /ɛ/ (as in “let”). Different from believe’s /ɪ/.
D. kick – Vowel sound is /ɪ/ (as in “sit”). This matches the vowel sound in believe.
Correct answer: D. kick
10. beauty
A. good – Vowel sound is /ʊ/ (as in “book”). Different from beauty’s /juː/ (as in “cute”).
B. courier – Vowel sound is /ʊ/ (as in “tour”). Different from beauty’s /juː/.
C. put – Vowel sound is /ʊ/ (as in “book”). Different from beauty’s /juː/.
D. few – Vowel sound is /juː/ (as in “cute”). This matches the vowel sound in beauty.
Correct answer: D. few
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