Crs Basic one Second Term Lesson Note

Crs Basic One Second Term Lesson Note





ACCESS WAEC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSAccess phe primary one second term lesson note here.

Week: 1

Class: 1

Topic: The birth of Jesus

Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:

* narrate the birth of Jesus

* tell why Jesus came

* explain why we celebrate Christmas.

Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge:

Content: Jesus was given birth in Bethlehem of Judea, he was given birth in a place called manger, he was the son of God, he was sent to come and die for sin of mankind.

* He was given birth by a mother called virgin Mary and his father Joseph the carpenter, he was their first child through the Holy Spirit.

️we celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus Christ our lord

Evaluation: teacher will ask the Pupils to:

1. explain who Jesus is and why He came.

 2. explain why we celebrate Christmas.


Week: 2

Class: 1

Topic: The visit of the wise men

Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:

narrate the visit of the wise men and the shepherds

Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts


Crs Basic One Second Term Lesson Note

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: the pupils have been taught on the birth of Jesus


When Jesus was given birth, the angel of the lord appears to the shepherds and told them that he has come to give them good news that the king of the Jews have been given birth

️the wise men look in search of Jesus Christ and the get there through the lead of the star 🌟, the lord use star to lead the wise men to Jesus, when they find him they gave him gift from their treasures

    * gold

    * myrrh


Evaluation: Teacher will ask the Pupils to:

️narrate the story of the visit of the angel.

 ️mention the three gifts given to Jesus.

️ mention what led the shepherd to where Jesus was born.


Crs Basic One Second Term Lesson Note

Week: 3

Class: 1

Topic: Jesus was protected from danger

Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:

️ describe how baby Jesus was protected from danger.

 ️narrate how their parents are protecting them


Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts


Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils has been taught on the visit of the wise men.


When Jesus was given birth and herod want to kill him, God told Joseph to go to Egypt with the child and his mother the night God told him till the day he will text them to come back .

* That is one of the way God protected Jesus

️ and to the aspect of our parents God has been using them for us, they are the one leading us to the right path, God has been protecting us through our parents and government, government provides for us total security.

Evaluation: Pupils to:

️ mention who carried Jesus away into hiding.

 ️say where they took Him for safety.

️ say who protected Him from danger.


Crs Basic One Second Term Lesson Note

Week: 4

Class: 1

Topic: Jesus our friend

Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:

️ explain who a friend is

️show how Jesus related kindly with love to people including children.

️list two things about Jesus life they will like to emulate in relating to God, school mates, brothers and sisters and other children in the community.

️explain why we are also His friends.

Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils has been taught on how Jesus was protected from danger



A friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations.

Jesus even call little children is friend in the Bible because he loved them

we can only be a friend with Jesus only if we:

      *obey him

     * love him

     * do goods to others

Evaluation: teacher will ask the Pupils to:

say who Jesus called to Himself.

say why they are friends of Jesus.


Week: 5

Class: 1

Topic: Jesus calls his disciples friend

Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:

name the disciples whom Jesus called His friend.

Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts

Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: Pupils has been taught about Jesus our friend

Content: Jesus calls his twelve disciples

* Simon Peter * Andrew * John *Phillip* James * Bartholomew * Mathew * Thomas * Judas Iscariot*   James son of Alphaeus* Theadaeus * Simon the Canaanite.

Jesus calls his disciples friend because he loved them

Evaluation: Pupils to:

name four of Jesus’ disciples.

 say why they are friends of Jesus.


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