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From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
1. money
A. coney
B. bottle
C. son
D. port
2. pour
A. ore
B. favour
C. hour
D. how
3. tie
A. hey
B. farce
C. bile
D. hail
4. put
A. school
B. cool
C. fool
D. wool
5. tailor
A. partake
B. orchard
C. dent
D. torn
6. fate
A. said
B. flat
C. weight
D. share
7. fern
A. cure
B. merge
C. heart
D. beryl
8. powder
A. potty
B. tour
C. lout
D. low
9. cruise
A. move
B. quit
C. suite
D. hood
10. pure
A. fur
B. schwa
C. favour
D. furore
11. there
A. ear
B. their
C. fear
D. peer
12. crest
A. breakfast
B. wheat
C. goitre
D. firm
13. sheath
A. heart
B. meadow
C. beach
D. weather
14. gorilla
A. doe
B. colour
C. ordain
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.
15. orchid
A. skewer
B. sceptre
C. sham
D. chagrin
16. picture
A. nation
B. castor
C. lurch
D. passion
17. fissure
A. vision
B. unsure
C. erase
D. feature
18. visit
A. face
B. mouse
C. easy
D. peace
19. hack
A. schedule
B. honourable
C. behaviour
D. exhibit
20. left
A. bulk
B. yolk
C. could
D. half
21. fly
A. revive
B. though
C. tough
D. dough
22. text
A. kissed
B. west
C. fixed
D. risked
23. uncle
A. bangle
B. knuckle
C. singe
D. ankle
24. drive
A. wounded
B. kicked
C. jumped
D. risked
25. laboratory
A. subtle
B. debtor
C. thumb
D. dabble
26. upholstery
A. phonetics
B. upheaval
C. rehearsal
D. reception
27. rouge
A. rage
B. leisure
C. jest
D. gem
28. then
A. den
B. smooth
C. thaw
D. wealthy
29. sign
A. hymn
B. thing
C. fawn
D. single
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.
30. /or/
A. stock
B. coin
C. note
D. roam
31. /ʃ/
A. water
B. heart
C. shears
D. scourge
32. /ʒ/
A. measure
B. charade
C. fist
D. charm
33. /u/
A. cool
B. hook
C. juice
D. souse
34. /æ/
A. around
B. also
C. small
D. snag
35. /dʒ/
A. gear
B. suggest
C. seizure
D. rich
36. /θ/
A. sink
B. hinge
C. thin
D. reign
37. /ð/
A. feather
B. stealthy
C. wither
D. breathe
38. /ei/
A. seize
B. nine
C. gale
D. said
39. /j/
A. jest
B. value
C. haste
D. flew
In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress.
40. cumulative
A. CU-mu-la-tive
B. cu-MU-la-tive
C. cu-mu-LA-tive
D. cu-mu-la-TIVE
41. concessionaire
A. CON-cess-ion-aire
B. con-CESS-ion-aire
C. con-cess-ION-aire
D. con-cess-ion-AIRE
42. horizontal
A. HOR-i-zon-tal
B. hor-i-zon-tal
C. hor-i-ZON-tal
D. ho-ri-zon-TAL
43. apathetic
A. AP-a-thet-ic
B. ap-A-thet-ic
C. ap-a-THET-ic
D. ap-a-thet-IC
44. effeminate
A. E-ffem-i-nate
B. e-FFEM-i-nate
C. e-ffem-I-nate
D. e-ffem-i-NATE
In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with a different stress pattern.
A. candidate
B. primacy
C. enigma
D. maintenance
A. creature
B. caution
C. mountain
D. extrude
A. penitence
B. discover
C. pertinent
D. retrospect
A. refer
B. belief
C. reason
D. enjoy
In each of the following sentences, the word in capital letters is emphasized. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.
49. Ojo won the prize for the best TEACHER.
A. Did Ojo win the prize for the best dancer?
B. Did Oke win the prize for the best teacher?
C. Did Ojo lose the prize for the best teacher?
D. Did Ojo win the award for the best teacher?
50. The president rewarded some of the officers.
A. Did the president reward all the officers?
B. Did the president reward some of the officers?
C. Did the president reward all the officers?
D. Did the president reward the officers?
51. The woman bought a CARTON of milk.
A. Did the woman buy a carton of milk?
B. Did the woman buy a tin of milk?
C. Did the woman sell a carton of milk?
D. Did the woman give a carton of milk?
52. She will send a BAG to him today.
A. Will she send a bag to her today?
B. Will she send a bag to him tomorrow?
C. Will she send a bag to him today?
D. Will she send a bag to him?
53. She slept on the BIG bed.
A. Did she sleep on the small bed?
B. Did she sleep under the big bed?
C. Did she sleep on the big couch?
D. Did she sleep on the big bed?
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol.
54. /ɔː/
A. stock
B. coin
C. note
D. roam
55. /ʃ/
A. water
B. heart
C. shears
D. scourge
56. /ʒ/
A. measure
B. charade
C. fist
D. charm
57. /u/
A. cool
B. hook
C. juice
D. souse
58. /æ/
A. around
B. also
C. small
D. snag
59. /dʒ/
A. gear
B. suggest
C. seizure
D. rich
60. /θ/
A. sink
B. hinge
C. thin
D. reign
61. /ð/
A. feather
B. stealthy
C. wither
D. breathe
62. /ei/
A. seize
B. nine
C. gale
D. said
63. /j/
A. jest
B. value
C. haste
D. flew
Phonetic Sounds and Examples
- Short /ʌ/ Sound (e.g., “son”):
- It is a monophthong typically found in stressed syllables.
- Pronunciation steps:
- Begin with the /s/ sound by pressing the tongue against the alveolar front teeth and allowing air to pass through.
- Transition smoothly to the /ʌ/ sound with the tongue relaxed and centered in the mouth.
- End with the /n/ sound by raising the tongue tip to the alveolar ridge and allowing air to pass through the nasal cavity.
- Example: “son” is pronounced as /sʌn/.
- Long /ɔː/ Sound (e.g., “ore”):
- Other examples: core, war, saw, whore, bore.
- Diphthong /aɪ/ Sound (e.g., “bile”):
- Represented by the IPA symbol /aɪ/.
- Pronunciation steps:
- Start with the /a/ sound, mouth slightly open.
- Glide smoothly to the /ɪ/ sound, with the tongue moving slightly backward.
- Similar examples: “buy,” “eye.”
- High Back Rounded Vowel /ʊ/ (e.g., “wool”):
- Lips are rounded, and the tongue is positioned towards the back of the mouth.
- Example: “wool.”
- Neutral Vowel /ə/ (Schwa):
- Examples:
- delta [ˈdeltə]
- letter [ˈletə]
- again [əˈgeɪn]
- paper [ˈpeɪpə]
- enter [ˈentə].
- Examples:
- Diphthong /eɪ/ Sound (e.g., “weight”):
- Composed of /e/ (as in “bet”) and /ɪ/ (as in “bit”).
- Long Tense Vowel /ɜː/ (e.g., “bird”):
- Lips are stretched and tense, tongue edges slightly clamped between molars.
- Examples:
- curl [kɜːl]
- hurt [hɜːt]
- learn [lɜːn].
- Diphthong /aʊ/ (e.g., “lout”):
- Composed of /a/ (as in “father”) and /ʊ/ (as in “book”).
- High Back Rounded Vowel /uː/ (e.g., “move”):
- Similar to the ‘oo’ sound in “moon.”
- Diphthong /ʊə/ (e.g., “pure”):
- Examples:
- cure [kjʊə]
- poor [pʊə]
- Europe [ˈjʊərəp].
- Examples:
- Plosive Sound /p/ (e.g., “pot”):
- Lips are rounded but not protruding.
- Examples:
- pot [pɒt]
- box [bɒks].
- Diphthong /eə/ (e.g., “chair”):
- Core sound is /e/, and it transitions smoothly.
- Examples:
- pare [peə]
- chair [tʃeə].
- Short Vowel /e/ (e.g., “pen”):
- Tip of the tongue is at the base of the lower teeth, lips slightly stretched.
- Examples:
- pen [pen]
- desk [desk].
- Long Vowel /iː/ (e.g., “key”):
- Tongue slightly forward, tip touches the lower teeth.
- Examples:
- key [kiː]
- teeth [tiːθ]
- theme [θiːm].
click here to access 2023 English Language Objective Questions and answers
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